From Clinic Main Entrance:
- Enter through main entrance of clinic
- Take either set of elevators (red square) down to lower level (LL)
- Take a left out of the elevator down to the end of the hall to desk LK2 (CRU) to check in. You will see a poster with the SEED logo.
From Urgent Care:
- Enter through Urgent care entrance
- Take the stairwell (red star) down one flight of stairs to lower level (LL)
- Continue past Physical Therapy and check in at desk LK2 (CRU) at the end of the hallway
- If elevators are needed, enter through urgent care and continue down the hallway past the draw station to the elevators (red square)
- Take the elevator down to lower level (LL)
- Take a left out of the elevator down to the end of the hall to desk LK2 (CRU) to check in. You will see a poster with the SEED logo.